About Me

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Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Stupid man with stupid life.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Annoying Tag

Colour your life with 4 words!
Answer these A-Z questions with 4 answers.
Then, tag as many friends as you can and see how they coloured their life with 4 lines of word/s.
Try it now !!!

[A] 4 names people call you :
1. Irfan
2. Apan
3. Yappan
4. Ipan

[B] 4 places you have lived :
1. Bandar Tun Razak
2. Bangi
3. Nilai
4. -

[C] 4 jobs you have had in your life :
1.PA system technician
2.Percussion Instructor

[D] 4 movies you could watch over and over :
1. Resident Evil
2. Lord of The Ring
3. X-men
4. Kung Fu Panda

[E] 4 TV shows you love to watch :
1. Heroes
2. Supernatural
3. Ghost Hunter
4. My Wife and Kids

[F] 4 places you have been on vacation :
1.Port Dickson
2. -
3. -
4. -

[G] 4 websites you visit daily (or semi-weekly) :
1. Facebook
2. Yahoo Mail
3. My blog
4. Friendster

[H] 4 of your favourite foods :
Im not choosy

[I] 4 things you are allergic to :
I guess i dun hv one

[J] 4 of your siblings names (if you have any) :
1. Afaf
2. Syafiq
3. Farhan
4. Syakira

[K] 4 places you would love to travel to :
1. New Zealand
2. Japan
3. France
4. Alaska

[L] 4 of your pets :
1. Owen
2. Micheal
3. Putat
p/s: not really my pet, but just count it in.

[M] 4 things you want for your birthday this year :
1. A lot of presents.
2. A celebration party mybe.
3. Something extraordinary. haha
4. Wishes

[N] 4 names of your close friends :
All my friend is my besfriend.

[O] 4 titles of your best love song :
1. Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God
2. Fotograf - Luka Seribu Rindu
3. Lifehouse - Blind
4. Blue - Breath Easy

[P] 4 things that you hate the most :
1. Waiting
2 Selfish
3. Last minute decision
4. So noisy

[Q] 4 things you purchased in last 44 hours :
1. Roti Sardin Gardenia
2. Mee Sedap
3. Sprite 1.5L
4. Choki-Choki

[R] 4 names of medication pills you consumed :

[S] 4 favourite subjects in school/college :
1. -
2. -
3. -
4. -

[T] 4 favourite names for a girl :

[U] 4 favourite names for a boy :

[V] 4 closest PURPLE objects :
1. Xpax casing
2. Shirt
3. -
4. -

[W] 4 superheroes/characters that you really adore :
1. Wolverine
2. A cool survivor in virus outbreak
3. -
4. -

[X] 4 things you are wearing now :
1. T-shirt
2. Kain Pelikat
3. -
4. -

[Y] 4 words to describe yourself :
1. Normal
2. Curly hair
3. Shorty
4. Fat

[Z] 4 lists of your wishes :
not interested

Person I want to tag.
Do la if u want to.


??? said...

die wat tag, die wat tag, hak

Irfan Akmal said...

saje je
xnk kalah in updting blog

nawwar aqilah said...

nk tgk rupe irfan bile pakai kain pelikat. haha xoxo

Irfan Akmal said...

dlu kat smap xnk usha aku tym aku otw gi masjid.